
Assisted Living Locators


Social Media Marketing (Pinterest and Facebook)

Project Description

Assisted Living Locators (ALL), a US franchise connecting families with senior care solutions, sought to elevate brand awareness and generate leads for their local branches.

Over the last three years, we have crafted and executed a data-driven social media strategy, focusing on Pinterest and Facebook, to achieve these goals effectively.

Project specifics

  • Social media marketing
  • Social media management
  • Community engagement
  • Content creation
  • Creative development
  • SEO
Research and Analysis

Finding the ALL opportunity

Understanding the audience is key to effective social media marketing, and that's where we began with Assisted Living Locators (ALL).

We embarked on a comprehensive process to develop channel-specific social media strategies. This involved:

  • Identifying ALL's target audience: Pinpointing the specific demographics and online behavior of families seeking senior care options.
  • Research and competitive analysis: Thoroughly researching relevant trends, analyzing competitor strategies, and identifying unique opportunities for ALL within the social media landscape.
Social Media Strategy

Building an effective plan for social media marketing

We crafted a tailored social media strategy for ALL, focusing on two key platforms: Pinterest and Facebook. This strategy encompassed:

  • Content development: Creating engaging and informative content aligned with ALL's brand and target audience's interests.
  • Content optimization: Fine-tuning content to maximize its reach and engagement potential on each platform.
  • Testing and analysis: Continuously testing variations and analyzing results to ensure continuous improvement and optimal performance.

Our objective was to enhance brand visibility, drive lead generation, and foster audience engagement for Assisted Living Locators through strategic Social Media Marketing efforts.

Pinterest Performance

1,000,000+ monthly pinterest views

We zeroed in on Pinterest, using a mix of engaging content, strategic campaigns, search engine optimization (SEO) and proactive community engagement. The results were striking, with Pinterest views soaring from an initial 1,000+ to an impressive 1,000,000+ monthly, showing the effectiveness of targeted content marketing.

This generated a steady stream of leads for Assisted Living Locators, supporting significant business growth. Through our efforts, ALL's brand presence was significantly strengthened, solidifying their online presence and reaching their target audience.

Facebook Performance

54.8% monthly growth in engagement

Our Facebook-focused social media marketing strategy for ALL focused on fostering engagement and building a strong community. We implemented strategies that resonated with their target audience, leading to a 54.8% average month-on-month growth in engagement.

This significant increase demonstrates the success of our approach in connecting Assisted Living Locators with their audience and establishing a thriving online presence.